Welcome To NanoDesigns, LLC

From Angstrom Scale to System Integration: Structure and Performance by Design

With over a 30 years of experience in materials design, selection, characterization and failure analysis.
Process and Scale up support.

Helping clients on the journey into product development.

About image
Product design starts with identification of the market, value propositions, and key performance attributes.

Ideation yields hypothesis to research and validate.

Once those steps are complete, a project plan can be defined.

De-risking of concepts and creation of prototypes provides valuable learning.

Voice of customer and early market validation accelerates adoption.

Scale-up and manufacturing process development enables use of the technology.

Go to market strategy and pricing positions the product for optimal insertion.

We assist development teams in those steps.


Technology and Management Consultations Step by Step Guidance in Product Development IP Creation and Patent Searches Expert Witness and Littigation Support BoM and Construction Analysis Failure Analysis Simulations Materials by Design

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Grant Writing and Applications VC Networking and Placement Target Investments

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Market Analysis Value Assessment Product Placement

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  • Austin, Texas, United States